Fire season is upon us! During winter the
grass dries out which makes it easier to catch alight in certain
circumstances. At Ubizane we try and
prevent fires by creating fire breaks.
The best way to kill a with fire itself!

The fire is started in a U- shape to ensure
that there is always an escape route for any animals in the area. This set our minds at ease as our foremost
concern was for the well-being of our precious wildlife.
Cane rats came running out of the fiery
fields countless times. These are
enormous rodents are widely spread in Africa, South to the Sahara. Their habitat is mostly the long grasslands
of Savannahs and similar landscapes.
They have a mole-like appearance and can grow almost up to 10 kg in the
wild! Even though these strange rodents
are found popularly in Africa, very few people from urban areas have seen these
animal that we saw during the burn was a Red Duiker escaping from the inflamed
grass. The Duiker was very confused at
first and ran up and down the fence line trying to escape through our
fence. After a while when we realized
the Duiker was a bit too confused to escape to the large open bush which was
not burning, our general manager made his way towards the buck guiding him
towards the open space. After a while
the Duiker found his way, with our help, to flame-less freedom. After the incident we kept a close eye on any
movements in the bush to ensure all animals find their way towards the escape
route. We were happy to report that no
animals were found to be harmed!

Keep reading our blog to keep up to date
about the latest Ubizane happenings! We
will be posting about the next controlled fire later this year so keep checking
to stay informed!