Wednesday 19 September 2012

A shocking experience for an Ubizane Monkey

With the rain stopping for a little while, and the monkeys saw a unique opportunity for mischievousness, as always. This time the power lines up at staff quarters was the amusement for the day.

However one youngster got a bit too close for comfort and received quite a jolt from the power line, knocking it off the poll and onto the ground with a loud bang. Hearing the commotion, our General Managers went to investigate, finding nothing but a shorted fuse box; they were unable to piece the puzzle together.  

It was Ziquenya, our anti poaching dog that sniffed out the frizzled limp monkey on the ground. After wrapping the monkey up in a towel and taking it inside, Tiaan attempted to give the scorched monkey some sugar water, the limp monkey was having none of it though.

The smell of burnt hair was overwhelming, and so the little monkey was given a lukewarm bath. Still in shock the monkey didn’t even put up a fight, instead it kept bracing itself against the sink or on Tiaan’s hand. After being towel dried the monkey had a little down time in front of the TV, before being put down on the ground to get its equilibrium back.  

Clearly the tricky monkey had made a full recovery, as its feet hardly set foot on the ground and it jumped up towards the roof and was out the window in a flash. Finding refuge on top of a tree, the monkey sat for roughly a half an hour, before he moved off into the bush. Eskom soon arrived at Ubizane to fix the problem and power was restored to Zululand Tree Lodge, and normalcy was restored… well as normal as possible- living in the bush never produces a dull day! 

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