Thursday 9 May 2013

Barn Owl Update

Our Barn Owls are growing up very fast with feathers taking the place of their fluffy coats. It is an amazing transformation that people rarely get the chance to see.  We have been watching how these chicks become more and more self-efficient and shape into big Barn Owl adults. We are used to these owls species here at Ubizane as they regularly fly by during the night in between the Fever Trees.  They love making nests in these tall enchanting Fever Trees as well as in the thatch roofs of Tree Lodge.  Barn Owls have been the night companions of Tree Lodge staff members for a very long time and so it seems fitting that we rescued these little ones to bring them back to strength.  This morning we took some photo’s during our feeding session. 

The smallest one of the three still has a lot of feathers to grow but he’s getting there slowly.

The middle sized one looks odd with only a few fluffy patches on his head.

 Meet our oldest Barn Owl.  He is changing into an adult very fast with beautiful feathers almost covering his whole body now.

Keep checking our blog for the latest updates on the transformation of our beautiful Barn Owl chicks!

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