Wednesday 22 May 2013

Water Biodiversity

The 22nd of May is International Biodiversity Day and the theme this year is water biodiversity, following on last year’s marine biodiversity theme.  Water is an important aspect in every living organism’s life and without it there would, of course, be no life at all.  Water resources have been lowering throughout the world as Global Warming takes its toll on our planet.  It’s imperative for everyone to make an effort to save water in order to not only save ourselves but also the wildlife and aquatic bio mes that exist.  At Ubizane we treasure our water resources and have been recycling our water for the past few years.
We also have a majority of showers on the property which is known to save more water than baths.  The showers are each fitted with an eco-friendly shower head which makes use of less water.  We also encourage all staff members to use water sparingly and have a system in place where we switch off water pumps daily during certain hours.  This saves water as well as electricity getting us one step closer to becoming completely GREEN.
Our challenge to all our readers is to try and do at least one thing to save your water today.  Whether it is taking a shower rather than taking a bath or using your dish washing/bath water for your garden, every bit counts!

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