Sunday 18 December 2011


The African sun can be a tourist’s best friend and worst enemy. Sunstroke is no joke and can destroy a holiday in one quick swift.
What is sunstroke?
Sunstroke occurs when the body becomes overheated through overexposure to the sun and the brain cannot control the cooling process of the body. Sunstroke can cause confusion, light-headedness and fatigue, and shade and cool water on the skin helps. However, sunstroke is much more serious as the body can control heat exhaustion somewhat by spreading blood flow to the extremities, but it can't control the effects of sunstroke and requires immediate medical help.

6 Steps to relieve sunstroke:
·         GET OUT OF THE SUN! the sooner you are out of the sun the quicker you can relieve yourself from sun stroke, and the less damaging it will be.

·         Lower your body temperature by putting a cool, wet rag on the back of your neck. This will cool you down faster than just putting the cloth on your face.

·         Remove any extra clothing like a hat or shoes and socks to aid in the cooling process.

·         Lie down and put a cool, damp cloth over your forehead. Raise your feet a few inches to avoid potential shock.

·         Drink (sip) cool water slowly. Too much too fast can induce shock. Start on any diluted clear or light colored Powerade - dilute with water 50%. (Full strength will upset your stomach.)

·         If flu-like symptoms persist, go see the doctor immediately!
      Those with health issues as well as the very young, very old and overweight people are often especially susceptible to sunstroke and should avoid spending too much time in the sun. If staying indoors or somewhere cool is not an option, light colored, loose clothing and a wide-brimmed hat should be worn and water should be consumed regularly. It’s important to drink water on hot days even when you don’t feel thirsty; as it helps your bodies stay cooler longer.

Enjoy your holiday, get bronzed and feel great, but be responsible…You only have one skin so look after it. Never forget to wear sun screen, it will help with regards to stopping extreme sun burn/stroke as well as lessen your chances of skin cancer.
Be wise. Enjoy your summer holiday.

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