Wednesday 29 August 2012

Ubizane's New House Keeping Manager:

Wayne Connor Matthews has joined the House Keeping Department, and he ensures that every room has a 5 star standard and no less! We caught up with him recently: 

Where are you from? 

Originally from Durban North. 

Who inspires you?

Everyone.. when I say everyone, the people around me throughout the day I learn so much from, from the way you walk to the languages you talk. I get inspired by every one around me.  

What do you love about the job? 

I'd have to say the great team we have and its not every day you get to wake up with a Giraffe or an Ostrich at your front door.. or is it! 

What made you become a Housekeeping Manager? 

The passion for perfection and seeing the  satisfaction from guests. 

Do you enjoy living in the Bush? 

Yes, Absolutely. The fresh air, the wild and just being forced to relax and clear you mind under the amazing blue sky with millions of stars. 

What animal/insect scares you the most? 

The Lochness Monster. 

What animal would you be and why?

I'd be Shimba (Common Grey Duiker) because there is so much love coming from the entire team, and food (yeah) but mostly because Shimba can make an Ostrich run like there is no tomorrow. 

If you can have a super power for the day, what would it be and why? 

Time travel definitely,to make it possible to go back in time and stop all the naught people from poaching the Rhino. 

Tell us more about yourself: 

I'm tall dark and handsome... I always believe that positivity will overcome any blue Monday, I am a peoples person and an extrovert, always friendly and willing to help others. 
I will make your day and your stay when you feel its time to break away. 
I am fully Bilingual (English and Afrikaans) and pretend to speak French 
My favourite colour is green and my favourite food is anything fresh from the garden 
Hobbies: Gardening, feeding Shimba, chasing Ostriches and occasionally playing Golf.  

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